Friday, 3 October 2008

The Swedish Weekend!

Swedish weekend was so fun!
It was really hard work as always especially trying to get everything we needed in just a few hours ready for service. The Reindeer was the hardest to track down, the only butcher that I found that had reindeer was in Scotland!! I even tried Harrods and Selfridges but we got some in the end from a Swedish shop in London called 'Totally Swedish' and it was a great success.
We had to send our waitress, Bryony, to get it on her way in to work - bit of a detour and it mean we lost time having her in the restaurant getting ready for the service but not too much and it was worth it!

One lady that I offered a try of the reindeer samples I took out into the street was a little concerned about what Santa would think!

For our entertainment I organised for this absolutely lovely little Swedish boy to sing the Swedish National Anthem to the group of Swedish people sent by Raymond. It was great, they all joined in! We got in a bottle of Aquavit (a Swedish liquor) for which they sang before every shot. Even the kitchen which was right at the back of the restaurant asked what was going on with all the noise.

1 comment:

Gina said...

When they first mentioned your challenge, all I could think of was the scene in Lake Wobgone where the boy fantasises that instead of the Swedish Meatballs his mother always served, his father suddenly announced that they were Italian, not Swedes, and would suddenly start eating more interesting meatballs in fragrant tomato sauce.

So, in the first 5 minutes, all I'd have thought about was herring and meatballs - possibly not what people would be looking for. I thought that the reindeer was an inspired choice and showed some fine research.